Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
- 24-pin 136 column
- Parallel and USB interface
- Prints 1 plus 5 forms
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
- 24-pin 106 column
- Parallel and USB interfaces
- Prints 1+6 with 487 CPS
- Capacity around 30000 printed media
- Easy to exchange by user
- For PP-100II, PP-100IIBD, PP-100AP
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
Save 33% on paper. Your exclusive voucher code:VTINE
This offer is valid until 14.02.2025. Discount applicable on a maximum of 3 units per product, per order.
- 24-pin 106 column
- Parallel, USB and network
- Prints 1+6 with 487 CPS
- 24-pin 106 column
- Parallel and USB interfaces
- Prints 1+6 with 487 CPS
- 9-pin 136 column
- Parallel, USN and serial interfaces
- Prints 1 plus 4 forms, 337 CPS
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