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What should you look for in a screen?

When you’re choosing the right display for your business, there’s a lot to consider. One of the first questions you might ask is: Do I need an all in one meeting room solution, a whiteboard or a flat panel?

Achieving the optimum display, with the correct visibility, is critical to getting the most from your meetings and on-screen content. One of the advantages of Epson projectors is that they offer a scalable screen size, to meet the varying requirements of rooms of all sizes.

The right size for optimum visibility

It starts with finding the right screen size for your room. This simple choice is so important – you need to display content clearly to have effective meetings, while also ensuring that you adhere to health and safety standards. With a scalable solution that suits rooms of any size, Epson projectors make this decision easier than ever.

Epson ProjectorsFlat panel
SizeImage size (diagonal)Scalable up to 500”¹Average interactive flat panel 65” - 69"²
Adjustable sizeScalableFixed

Meet minimum screen size requirements with ease

You wouldn’t be comfortable working at a desk where the screen is too small – it’s not good for your eyes, and can compromise the quality of on-screen content.

For the same reasons, you need a screen size that is suitable for your meeting room – which is why Epson projectors exceed the health and safety standards for the equivalent desktop display experience. (EU Directive 90/270/EEC – Display Screen Equipment).

The screen size scalability and functionality of Epson projectors mean it’s easy to ensure that content shown is not too small, is of high quality and clearly visible to all, taking into consideration viewing distances from the screen. That way, everyone in your meeting has the same opportunities to share and engage.

Find the ideal screen size for your meeting room

Our interactive viewing distance tool lets you calculate the ideal screen size for your projector based on room dimensions, layout and number of seats.

The acceptable viewing distance3 for a 300" Projector screen is 14.2m

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Room layout

Room dimensions (meters) Width:    Length: Unsupported room size

Number of seats

50" 84"
50" 500"

Choosing your solution

Achieving the optimal screen size means replicating the average desktop experience for all participants in your meeting, including those furthest away from the screen.

According to the Snellen eye sight test, to make an image appear the same size when it is twice as far away, it needs to be twice as tall, or four times the size in area.

Optimised Collaboration

In addition to offering optimum screen performance, Epson projectors are designed to integrate with your existing systems. With Epson's meeting room solutions, you can create a flexible, future-proof, dynamic meeting room, and unify communications to ensure a smooth workflow across all devices, at all times.

Save, share and print

Project wirelessly from mobile devices

Collaborate via high quality video conferencing

Annotate with unrivalled precision

Quality that's easy to see

No reflection

Automatic light adjustment in Epson projectors detects the ambient light conditions in the room and changes the level of brightness accordingly, so you can view content clearly without glare.

Unrestricted viewing

Some flat panels have restricted viewing angles, making it hard to see content on the screen when viewed from the side of a room. This, however, is not the case with Epson projectors, which have no blind spots, enabling everyone to easily view the content.

Gentle on the eye

Flat panel RGB screens can appear pixelated when viewed up close for long periods — such as during interactive presentations or prolonged collaboration — potentially causing strain to the eyes. On the other hand, projectors have less pixilation than flat panel displays, and with automatic light adjustment, they can be viewed in comfort for longer periods.

Ready to know more?

Talk to one of our team to discover how you can cut costs and work more efficiently.

¹ Screen size of up to 500” based on Epson installation projectors

² Source: Futuresource Q415 — Western Europe - Corporate Flat Panels

³ The acceptable viewing distance will deliver a room experience that is equivalent to a desktop experience.

Displays smaller than 80 inches are assumed to be 16:9, displayers 80 inches or larger are assumed to be 16:10.